Friday, August 24, 2007

At last......

I have the internet at home! I feel like a long, lost friend has come to stay...urrr...sad. I really must get out more...

Anyway, much, much to report on what's been going on. I am now settled in Suffolk and enjoying my life in Aldeburgh. For some reason it feels good to be further South in the country...must be a 'roots' thing.

Things are going well on the 'Art Garden Studios' side of life - I am going to be exhibiting at the Autumn fair in September which is very exciting (and scary).

On the drawing front, not much has been happening. It has in my head although I don't have any time to get pen to paper. That's not an excuse is the last illustration I have been working on. As you can see it's not finished yet but it was just an idea that popped into my head one day and has been fun to draw.

Okay I know...her leg is wonky...