This is about the only image I have been able to 'squeeze' out of me in the past six weeks or so. Do you ever find you loose all sight of what it is you are trying to achieve because you are simply trying to do too much all at once. I have a dreaded 'to-do' list literally as long as my arm and currently getting longer (the list, not my arm).
Today, I could not concentrate on ANY of it so instead made even more 'to-do' lists to see if that would help...it didn't. So instead of doing nothing (which I CANNOT physically make myself do) I wrote a list of 10 things in my life I am currently happy with to make myself feel better:
1. Matthew
2. Carrot cake
3. The thought of organising my garden and perhaps getting some chickens
4. Making sales
5. Daffodils in my garden
6. Living by the sea and going for a walk there every week
7. Online shopping
8. My woodburner (I have no heating at the moment)
9. Smell of clean clothes
10. And how could I forget......wine...
I also wrote a 'things that are really pissing me off' list- this is highly recommended if you are feeling frustrated because you can go back and read it and it will make you laugh. Plus, it gets you off facebook if you want to waste some time! :-)