Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I'm back and I've actually done some work!

Those of you from the AOI forum: Here is a sketch of my billboard advertising idea and I am not happy AT ALL...

It's meant to be a illustration of a 'normal' woman in full colour with a greyish collage background going off in perspective of our environment...I'm stuck basically.

Holly xx

PS. I know it's a crap scan


Gabby said...

Hi Holly,

Just wanted to say that I'm sure the idea will work fine in the end - sometimes it's just a bit unnervingly near to the deadline when you pull it together!

Hope it all goes well - drawings look good!


holly-rose said...

Hi gabby

Thanks for that..Iv'e been working at it and I think I will get there in the end..although I'm becoming highly stressed now- I suppose that's only healthy though! :-)