Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Matthew and I are planning to have New Year's Eve Party. The theme is "hero and heroine's"...The idea is that you come as your hero/heroine. Well, unless anyone knows how to dress as Quentin Blake then I really am quite stuck for ideas. Besides, I would quite like to come as a heroine seeing as I am a girl...

That seems to be proving slightly more difficult. When I was at school we never learnt about famous, strong-minded women to look up to. Of course, I am not for one minute saying that they don't exist but I just find it very sad how I couldn't think of a women straight away. So, I put a search into google- this article came up:


Isn't it sad how Hollywood portrays superheroine's as large breasted, lap dancing old slappers?

I think I will have to be a suffraget.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Some photos I found today. They were from a photoshoot I agreed to do when I was only 16! Feels like it was someone else...
The photos were for a project based on a rock-band for a CD cover or something (I can't quite remember)..

For Lyn xxxx

Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm designing a website for a tree surgeon friend of mine...It's the first time I have done this (for someone else) so I am really excited about it and surprisingly enjoying myself. It's nice to do something different on the computer for a change.

Here's the beginnings of the work- obviously there is going to be a lot more 'foliage' than this! The bird box may be a symbol you can click on for the home page. This is not the full size of the web page but just a preview of the right-hand side:

I think I need to make it look a bit more 'manly' first :-)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Here is a larger preview of the brochure I am working on for 'Art Garden Studios' first Spring Collection of prints for 2007...just need to send them to the printers now :-)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Another sneak preview of an illustration I am working on:

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Busy, busy, busy- I think there should be 10 days in a week and not just 7!

Anyway, being busy is good- it means you are learning and developing and not just sitting on your arse watching neighbours (although it would be nice to do that every now and then!).

The house is coming along well- this week Matthew and I have been concentrating on finishing the floorboards...well, actually, Matthew has done most of the work- he was the one who had to sand down all the black tar that was left over from years ago when they used to lay carpets- smelly, sticky stuff! This is what they looked like before:

And this is them now:

We are going to do the same in the bedroom this week- oh joy!

On the art front- I have managed to get two of my prints on canvas framed and stretched as a present for someone. I'm really pleased with how they have come out:

I'm working on a new picture for my exhibition although I am not too sure where it is going as yet! :-)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today I have been working in the garden-My very helpful freind Kat came over with her fork and spade and we turned over the vegetable patch ready for next Spring.

And half- way through digging (model Kat!):

We have pretty much finished all of it-but for now we have covered it in an old carpet to keep out the weeds:

The soil here was excellent because of the years of compost it's obviouvly been fed. I really enjoyed myself being in the garden...it's quite theraputic and satisfying to see how much work you can get done. I can't wait to get started on the rest of it.
Oh, and here are my fabulous wellies:

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A sneak preview of a brochure I am working on for Art Garden Studios:

Friday, November 17, 2006


I haven't been doing much drawing this week but just a lot of thinking and organising. I feel there are a lot of changes going on at the moment- which is good, but it always feels as though something is moving and changing in my head and I have to constantly try and work out what to expect and what is going on. I enjoy this feeling although it also brings on thoughts of panic and that old friend of mine self-doubt rears his ugly head. I'm trying to stay positive and excited not worried and doubtful.

I have a lot to look forward to and work towards at the moment. My Mum and I are holding an exhibition at The Forum, Norwich in July. We have 16 display stands each for 6 days and have a lot of work to produce. It's going to be great publicity as they apparently receive 50,000 visitors there every week and it's a very creative environment. Also, my Mum's business is really starting to take off and I am going to be quite involved and have a huge responsibility with the prints and sales side of it all. It's great as I feel so passionate about what she does and the work she produces but I am also nervous I might f**k it up along the way. It feels a bit like being at the top of a rollercoaster ride and you know the big drop is going to make your tummy squeal but the adrenalin makes it all worthwhile and you want to feed off the same experience again and again.

On the plus side- we finally have radiators in our house- hurrah!

Holly :-)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My house...

my garden from the back of the house...

and the veggie patch at the side of the house- which I am now worried about- I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START!... We may turn the shed into a bar! :-)

and sketches of Matthew painting the living room....

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The exhaust fell off our van today- that was embarrasing and we have only had it for one day! Plus, I lost a sale at work that was worth nearly £5000! rubbish...

Anyway, I've a bit of a breakthrough with my painting. Not exactly on the 'being pleased with what I have done' side of things but more the fact that I actually sat down for 7 hours solid on one picture and didin't get disheartened by it once- not even when I messed it up a bit! :-)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I think I've fallen in love-

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Students drawing at the Circus trip yesterday:

Friday, October 27, 2006

Today my tutors took us to draw at the circus all day - how flamin' cool is that?????????

I'll post pictures tomorrow.....

For now though, here is a piccy of Matthew at a very important wedding we went to last Saturday (congrats d&e)...I'm mainly posting this as evidence that he does sometimes wear a shirt- and just cos' he looks lovely :-)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Have been busy, busy doing boring things like buying fridges so haven't been able to blog for a while. Now that I am back at Uni part-time I have the responsibility to do lots and lots of drawing for my module- we haven't been given a project yet just been told to keep bloomin drawing!

Here are some of my sketches although I think I am a bit behind with my work:

Most of the images are from my trip to Aldeburgh- I like to draw boats- they are always full of peculiar angles and perspective- it's good drawing practice.

Anyway, I am super busy at the moment what with working stupid hours at the Gallery all week and trying to get ahead with my own work. Sometimes it can be depressing working constantly trying to earn what turns out to be absolutely sod all every month.

Whenever I feel like that though I normally remember a quote from The Shawshank Redemption 'Get busy living or get busy dying'...it makes me laugh and tells me to just get on with it!

Holly :-)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I don't have very long but I just wanted to post some pictures of my Mums new Jack Russell - Harry. He is the cutest, SMALLEST puppy I have ever seen!

I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Iv'e asked for a puppy for my birthday)


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


This week Matthew and I are in Aldeburgh, Suffolk looking after Matthew’s parent’s dogs (who are a bit of hard work I must say).

So far, we have travelled back to our house twice to carry on with painting the walls so it's beginning to look a bit more like a home now. I can't wait to get stuck into the Garden although it's all a bit new to me and I don't know where to begin (although I notice Alan Titmarsh has a few good tips on the BBC website!). Mowing the lawn would be a good plan though! It's a bit wild.

I think I will start with the veggie patch first then think about planting some dark tulips (apparently you are meant to plant them in November). I want quite natural grasses and flowers such as poppies and lavender with tall sunflowers growing up the side of the old green shed. Plus, I am going to make some garden lights from jam jars and buttons (don't ask how- you will have to wait and see!). I think it will be looking lovely come Summer time (I hope).

Today, I have been out on the seafront sketching boats and houses. It was quite a muggy and grey day and the sun has now decided to come out as soon as I get home. I am trying to concentrate on actually concentrating. It takes practice to feel comfortable drawing in front of strangers in public. People look at you as though you are mad. This makes me distracted and nervous but I am getting used to it. I can't upload any images until Matthew gets home as I am not sure how to do it on the computer I am currently on.

Am now going to spend the rest of the evening making Shepherd’s Pie and thinking of a new life plan to kick my arse into gear (and practice better time management).

Holly :-)

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Yes, I have cheered up now-

I like my new house now. It's growing on me plus I have actually slept properly for the first time in a month! No noisy neighbors...yay!

Matthew and I are in the process of re-decorating. Our trip to B&Q was fun but expensive- although we did splash out on some funky wallpaper to put in the alcoves of the living room (behind the fireplace). When it is finished I will post some before and after pictures.

We have a large garden with a vegetable patch, two apple trees, a plum tree, and three sheds (I'm thinking of turning one into our own private bar - he he!). I don't know much about gardening but I am really looking forward to getting my hands dirty. Plus, it will be great to grow our own veg- never again, will I have to purchase crappy tesco produce! In the summer, we are also considering buying some chickens although that it is not our main priority just yet.

By the way, does anyone know how to make curtains? I need to buy some thick lined ones but they are very expensive- I'm guessing it would be cheaper to buy material and make them myself?

Holly :-)

Saturday, September 30, 2006


God I am in a mood today- everyone in the whole Universe is pissing me off and I want to hide in a corner and NEVER come out of it again. Plus, tonight I have to go out and spend all evening with a bunch of blokes who just stand around talking about breasts and pretending to know about them (they wish)...

Moved all our stuff into our new house which is a complete dump at the moment and needs completely re-decorating- I cant believe what I have let myself in for on this one..

Oh well- I'm away for 10 days soon so at least I can relax a bit- I hate bloody moving! :-(

Friday, September 29, 2006

Today I marched my way down to my University and made a final decision to change my course to BA Illustration. I was originally doing a Graphic Design course but feel I need to specialise my skills and really work at what is most important to me: drawing.

Even though I like Graphic Design and it good to know about the rules of space, type and grids you cant get far in life without fundamental drawing knowledge. In my new course I will be with teachers who will be directing all their energies and focus on developing skills within students such as myself. When I was previously at college I felt like I was working hard at something I wasn't destined to be doing.

I met my tutor Chris who is very wacky with mad dress sense (very typical art tutor) and a really enthusiastic bloke- I think I will get on with him.

So, from now on you will be seeing loads of new development work (hopefully!) and lots of interesting finds from my sketchbook.

I am moving house again tomorrow so things may be a bit sparse on the blog front- but I'm not deserting it just yet! :-)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Yes I am still alive!I have only just got my internet connection back this week- thank god!!

Matthew and I have just moved house next to the ugliest and loudest trout on the planet, and are now in the process of moving again so as you can imagine it has been a bit hectic!

Anyway, I have started my new job at the gallery and am now beginning to settle in. It's quite high pressure and busy but I think that is good for me otherwise I get bored easily.

As for the drawing front- I received a new easel and paints for my birthday from my Mum so have been making lots of mess with that! Here's a painting I am doing using only a palette knife and no original sketch (eek!):

First attempt:

Second attempt:

Those of you from the forum will know about my struggle with colour- this painting was an exercise at being loose with the paint and colours and trying not to restrict myself. Plus, it was an excuse to use all my new paints and make loads of mess (and ruin many of my jeans-oops).

Have also been practicing my drawing skills:

This is a re-worked sketch I did months ago- I'm quite pleased with the hand as I normally find this the trickiest part!

Close up of sketch:

I've got a couple more but I will save those for tomorrow- for now, I've got to go and finish making a casserole!

Holly :-)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

News today:

mostly feeling: tired..................................................

Friday, August 25, 2006


Been doing some more quick sketches of shoes. I apologize for the rubbish quality but they are so light its hard to take a clear picture:

They are not finished yet but it would be nice to do a small series of painted and inked up images for my website.

I like to draw shoes as I think you can tell a lot about a person from their shoes- maybe that's just me that thinks like that. When I was at college I used to practice my skills by drawing shoes as they are hard to master! Plus, I like the different textures and colours. Sometimes shoes look like wrinkles on a persons face. For example, if you look at an old mans work boots you can see their whole working life in them- it makes you wonder what sort of person they are and what journeys they made in those shoes.

Holly :-)

Thursday, August 24, 2006


It is now officially my weekend before I go back to work on Saturday. I've mainly been sketching and listening to my new Kooks album (which, I highly recommend). I've gone back to doing images up a bit. This is the first image from my sketchbook using ink, pencil and acrylic:

Secondly, here is a pencil and fine-nib ink sketch:

Sketching over to look at tone with coloured pencils:

I think in future I will try and use more paint as I am sketching. I also, really enjoyed using the black ink and painting with it instead of using a nib (the first image)- the effects you can achieve are interesting.

Holly :-)

Monday, August 21, 2006

I'm at work right now so can't post much- I haven't done any drawing/painting for a few days and I really really really really miss it! Will hopefully have something to 'show and tell' soon x

Friday, August 11, 2006


Been painting again today- I am trying to get some more base colours down although I wan't to make the image softer as it goes into the distance (as Penny suggested earlier). Trying to figure out the best way to do this.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I'm feeling a bit slack in the old 'drawing' department. I haven't done any painting since last Tuesday I don't think.

Note to self- do some bloody work tonight!

Apart from that I have a new part-time job here:


I start next Tuesday and I am really excited!I have to work weekends which is a bit of a shame but you can't have everything in life I suppose. Wish me luck!

Holly :-)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hello all!

Had a weekend off and have been out in a rented boat on the Norfolk Broads with a few friends. The weather was gorgeous for once and we all had a great time drinking wine and eating a picnic. Although I moan about Norfolk it does have its advantages such as lovely beaches and good days out!

Here are some of the other boats we saw (I was very jealous!):

Me and Matthew on our boat just about to stop at the pub:

And here is our friend Greg after a few too many wines- believe me, you will never meet anyone like him!