Saturday, September 30, 2006


God I am in a mood today- everyone in the whole Universe is pissing me off and I want to hide in a corner and NEVER come out of it again. Plus, tonight I have to go out and spend all evening with a bunch of blokes who just stand around talking about breasts and pretending to know about them (they wish)...

Moved all our stuff into our new house which is a complete dump at the moment and needs completely re-decorating- I cant believe what I have let myself in for on this one..

Oh well- I'm away for 10 days soon so at least I can relax a bit- I hate bloody moving! :-(

Friday, September 29, 2006

Today I marched my way down to my University and made a final decision to change my course to BA Illustration. I was originally doing a Graphic Design course but feel I need to specialise my skills and really work at what is most important to me: drawing.

Even though I like Graphic Design and it good to know about the rules of space, type and grids you cant get far in life without fundamental drawing knowledge. In my new course I will be with teachers who will be directing all their energies and focus on developing skills within students such as myself. When I was previously at college I felt like I was working hard at something I wasn't destined to be doing.

I met my tutor Chris who is very wacky with mad dress sense (very typical art tutor) and a really enthusiastic bloke- I think I will get on with him.

So, from now on you will be seeing loads of new development work (hopefully!) and lots of interesting finds from my sketchbook.

I am moving house again tomorrow so things may be a bit sparse on the blog front- but I'm not deserting it just yet! :-)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Yes I am still alive!I have only just got my internet connection back this week- thank god!!

Matthew and I have just moved house next to the ugliest and loudest trout on the planet, and are now in the process of moving again so as you can imagine it has been a bit hectic!

Anyway, I have started my new job at the gallery and am now beginning to settle in. It's quite high pressure and busy but I think that is good for me otherwise I get bored easily.

As for the drawing front- I received a new easel and paints for my birthday from my Mum so have been making lots of mess with that! Here's a painting I am doing using only a palette knife and no original sketch (eek!):

First attempt:

Second attempt:

Those of you from the forum will know about my struggle with colour- this painting was an exercise at being loose with the paint and colours and trying not to restrict myself. Plus, it was an excuse to use all my new paints and make loads of mess (and ruin many of my jeans-oops).

Have also been practicing my drawing skills:

This is a re-worked sketch I did months ago- I'm quite pleased with the hand as I normally find this the trickiest part!

Close up of sketch:

I've got a couple more but I will save those for tomorrow- for now, I've got to go and finish making a casserole!

Holly :-)