Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today Harry had his 'manly bits' removed- I think he hates me - he certainly looks confused and very sleepy.

In other news- I spent the whole of the day lugging around a portfolio and sketchbooks to an interview for a degree course. I'm now at home feeling a little bit disappointed. I got onto the course but I was really unimpressed with the college. I just got a feeling that something wasn't quite right- a gut instinct you might say. I need to think about a few things first before I rush into anything.


natural attrill said...

Poor Harry, and poor you, sorry the college didnt feel right, but well done anyway for getting offered a place, at least you have a choice. Might be easier to accept this place and then transfer somewhere else once you have started? or perhaps you have your eye on another course now. Good luck with your decision anyway.

holly-rose said...

thanks penny :-)

Deb said...

hello holly-rose. poor harry. he will be back to his normal self in no time. he just requires afew hugs and that. congrats for the news about the collge place. i would have a scout around and check other places out if possible if you feel its not quite right.