Friday, June 01, 2007


Haven’t been on here for a while mainly because of no internet access (shock horror). Anyway, we have now moved to Aldeburgh, Suffolk and have stared new jobs etc. It still feels a bit like we are on holiday but we will settle in once we have our own house (two weeks away!).
For now though I am enjoying the sunny weather and living next to the sea!

Just down the road sits Maggi Hambling's scallop sculpture on Aldeburgh beach. The words on the sculpture read ‘I hear those voices that will not be drowned’. Unfortunately, some people like to graffiti and vandalise the sculpture but I think it looks beautiful and sits nicely on the landscape. Another thing about sculpture is that it attracts people and they aren’t afraid to touch it or be close to it. It sounds silly but I don’t think you get that reaction with a painting or other forms of artwork.


natural attrill said...

I didnt know she made sculptures, I really like her paintings.
Hope you are happy in your new place, by the eyes are green with envy!!

Deb said...

hello holly-rose. how are you? just to let you know the RI forum has closed but there is a new one if you follow the link. please do not publish this post. ta! dx.