Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Busy, busy, busy- I think there should be 10 days in a week and not just 7!

Anyway, being busy is good- it means you are learning and developing and not just sitting on your arse watching neighbours (although it would be nice to do that every now and then!).

The house is coming along well- this week Matthew and I have been concentrating on finishing the floorboards...well, actually, Matthew has done most of the work- he was the one who had to sand down all the black tar that was left over from years ago when they used to lay carpets- smelly, sticky stuff! This is what they looked like before:

And this is them now:

We are going to do the same in the bedroom this week- oh joy!

On the art front- I have managed to get two of my prints on canvas framed and stretched as a present for someone. I'm really pleased with how they have come out:

I'm working on a new picture for my exhibition although I am not too sure where it is going as yet! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those floor boards look amazing.. Are you sure you didnt get a professional in?!?

The artwork looks great too.