Friday, November 17, 2006


I haven't been doing much drawing this week but just a lot of thinking and organising. I feel there are a lot of changes going on at the moment- which is good, but it always feels as though something is moving and changing in my head and I have to constantly try and work out what to expect and what is going on. I enjoy this feeling although it also brings on thoughts of panic and that old friend of mine self-doubt rears his ugly head. I'm trying to stay positive and excited not worried and doubtful.

I have a lot to look forward to and work towards at the moment. My Mum and I are holding an exhibition at The Forum, Norwich in July. We have 16 display stands each for 6 days and have a lot of work to produce. It's going to be great publicity as they apparently receive 50,000 visitors there every week and it's a very creative environment. Also, my Mum's business is really starting to take off and I am going to be quite involved and have a huge responsibility with the prints and sales side of it all. It's great as I feel so passionate about what she does and the work she produces but I am also nervous I might f**k it up along the way. It feels a bit like being at the top of a rollercoaster ride and you know the big drop is going to make your tummy squeal but the adrenalin makes it all worthwhile and you want to feed off the same experience again and again.

On the plus side- we finally have radiators in our house- hurrah!

Holly :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi holly,

have a bit more faith in yourself girl! your more than capable....oh god, it think i might be watching too much oprah

lots of love

soraya xx