Thursday, October 05, 2006


Yes, I have cheered up now-

I like my new house now. It's growing on me plus I have actually slept properly for the first time in a month! No noisy neighbors...yay!

Matthew and I are in the process of re-decorating. Our trip to B&Q was fun but expensive- although we did splash out on some funky wallpaper to put in the alcoves of the living room (behind the fireplace). When it is finished I will post some before and after pictures.

We have a large garden with a vegetable patch, two apple trees, a plum tree, and three sheds (I'm thinking of turning one into our own private bar - he he!). I don't know much about gardening but I am really looking forward to getting my hands dirty. Plus, it will be great to grow our own veg- never again, will I have to purchase crappy tesco produce! In the summer, we are also considering buying some chickens although that it is not our main priority just yet.

By the way, does anyone know how to make curtains? I need to buy some thick lined ones but they are very expensive- I'm guessing it would be cheaper to buy material and make them myself?

Holly :-)


natural attrill said...

Glad to hear you are sorted out and happy! i have just added a link to here on our blog, hope thats ok.

Soozcat said...

There are a few books available which teach how to make curtains and draperies. If you're a good hand with the sewing machine, it might be worth your while, but it also depends on what type of curtains you have in mind. (My aunt ran a drapery business for several years when I was a child.)