Friday, August 25, 2006


Been doing some more quick sketches of shoes. I apologize for the rubbish quality but they are so light its hard to take a clear picture:

They are not finished yet but it would be nice to do a small series of painted and inked up images for my website.

I like to draw shoes as I think you can tell a lot about a person from their shoes- maybe that's just me that thinks like that. When I was at college I used to practice my skills by drawing shoes as they are hard to master! Plus, I like the different textures and colours. Sometimes shoes look like wrinkles on a persons face. For example, if you look at an old mans work boots you can see their whole working life in them- it makes you wonder what sort of person they are and what journeys they made in those shoes.

Holly :-)


natural attrill said...

When I was a kid I was really into shoes, would always look in shoe shops in preference to toys or sweet shops! Penny.

lorna said...

these are great- fantastic poses!