Thursday, June 15, 2006


It is still sinking in that I am not at my old job anymore- I keep forgetting that I don't have to go back..strange!

Anyway, I was struggling a bit with what to do now that I am trying to sort my portfolio out. So, I have gone back to just sketching out things that I like to do for example - figure/fashion illustration.

The image here is just a quick 10 minute rough of an figure I wan't to develop further. I have used two different colour pencils to sketch out the line and shadow. I always try and keep my roughs as loose as possible so that I don't restrict myself to early on in the image and I can always go back into it and draw over it or add details.

I will probably re-draw the image next with pencil for the shadow and ink for the outline. I am then thinking I can work into it with watercolour to finish my second rough.

I think it's a good idea to use unusual colours (such as the purple and brown above) when drafting as you are not afraid of 'getting it wrong'. I often use colour pencil a lot more bodly and loosely than I do with a standard pencil!!

Plus I have some good news- Matthew's sister wants to buy one of my prints from my website! I was actually in shock when I found out- what a strange feeling someone might actually wan't to hang something of mine on their wall!

Holly xx

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